Onychomycosis can occur for a variety of reasons: people catch the infection in gyms, swimming pools, saunas, on the beach, and when wearing the shoes of an infected person with this pathology. As a result of the development of the disease, the nail plate is gradually destroyed, and other unpleasant symptoms appear. For the treatment of the disease, you should choose extremely effective medicines that are easily tolerated and guarantee fast action and it is advisable to choose a cheap remedy for toenail fungus, as the therapy lasts a long time.
What is toenail fungus
Onychomycosis is a harmless but unpleasant disease that deforms the nail plate. At the same time, the nail loses its strength, is released and is affected by any infection. Fungal disease can be caused by a variety of different pathogens, including yeast, mold, dermatophytes, epidermophytes, etc. Since each medication has an effect on a specific type of infection, it is extremely important to diagnose the pathology before starting treatment.
Symptoms of the disease
After infecting the feet, the fungus needs some time to take root in the nail plates. The infection first affects the thumbs, and over the course of a year or more, destroys the structure of the nails. This process is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- plaque thickening (increases tissue keratinization);
- color change (plaque turns yellow, black or brown);
- crumbling of the lip (in the absence of treatment or its incompleteness, the fungal infection spreads throughout the thickness of the nail, as a result of which it eats and crumbles);
- itching of the skin surrounding the nail;
- unpleasant odor coming from the feet.
Remedy for foot fungus
Modern antifungal drugs not only destroy pathogens, but also have the ability to accumulate in tissues and act long after the end of the use of antifungal drugs. As a rule, onychomycosis of the toenails is treated comprehensively in a few months (on average, from 2 to 6). Therapy involves the use of external agents and the use of systemic drugs. The doctor will be able to determine exactly which medications are suitable for treating the fungus. Self-medication of onychomycosis can worsen the disease.

Cheap remedy for toenail fungus
Of great importance to patients with onychomycosis are third-party reviews regarding the effectiveness of one or another antifungal drug. However, choosing a cheap remedy for toenail fungus for yourself based solely on other people’s responses is wrong, as each case of the disease is individual and requires the same treatment approach. It is better to leave the choice of optimal therapy to a specialist, then the effect will come faster and you will avoid many possible troubles, including the complication of the disease.
Medicines intended for local treatment of affected areas that do not enter the systemic circulation are called external. They are an indispensable component of antifungal therapy, while systemic medications are used exclusively in the advanced stage of the fungus. Topical drugs show their effectiveness especially clearly in the initial forms of onychomycosis. External medications are suitable for the treatment of pathologies in children and patients with contraindications to the use of oral medications.
Systemic drugs against fungal infection in an adult are taken orally (by mouth with water). The active components of tablets and capsules are transferred from the intestines into the bloodstream and enter the nail plate, where they gradually accumulate in concentrated amounts and destroy the fungus. It is best not to buy medicines with fungicidal effect in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, as most of them can cause serious side effects.
The duration of therapy is estimated at about 2-6 months, but in advanced, severe cases, it takes longer for the treatment to accumulate in the body in sufficient quantities. A doctor may prescribe these inexpensive remedies for foot fungus:
- Fluconazole.The tablets destroy the fungus from within by destroying its cells. The drug is prescribed in a dose of 50-400 mg per day. The exact amount of the drug is determined by the doctor, taking into account age, severity of the pathology. Fluconazole eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of onychomycosis and suppresses the reproduction of harmful organisms. The disadvantage of the drug is the presence of side effects.
- Ketoconazole.The use of this budget medicine against onychomycosis can last from 3 months to a year. They drank meal tablets, 200-400 mg per day. The disadvantage of the drug is the prohibition of its reception in the presence of liver pathologies.
- Itraconazole.The drug is indicated to be taken until complete recovery, which can take a long time. The recommended dosage is 200 mg per day. The drug is taken at intervals: the week of admission is replaced by the same duration of rest. The disadvantage of the drug is the side effects.
In addition to systemic medications, doctors prescribe local remedies, which, in addition to the antifungal effect, help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology. A cheap and effective remedy for nail fungus is:
- Bifonazole.The cream has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, is active against many pathogens of onychomycosis. Bifonazole easily penetrates the plaque structure and destroys fungal cells. The advantage of the cream is that it has antiseptic properties. The disadvantage is the lack of effectiveness when used independently (it is recommended to combine with taking systemic drugs).
- Cream containing: stearic acid, propylene glycol, urea, triethanolamine, 100% tea tree essential oil.a folk remedy is applied until the healthy plaque is fully grown. Before applying the cream, you should steam your nails and trim their top layer with a disposable tool. After that, wipe your feet with a towel. The cream is treated with nails, applying a thick layer of cream on the tiles, which is covered with a plaster and left for 4 days. After this time, the feet swim again and with the help of a file remove the dead parts of the nail plate. The procedures are performed until the affected tissues are completely removed.
- Terbinafine.Under the influence of the cream, dysfunction of fungal cell metabolism occurs, which leads to death. Terbinafine is very effective in treating onychomycosis at an early stage. The affected tissues are smeared with a thin layer of cream twice per stroke. To improve the effect, before that, the feet fly in a soda bath, and after the tile is treated with a nail file, removing the corneal layer.
At the beginning of the development of a fungal disease, special plasters with peeling effect can be used. The most effective among the cheap anti-mycotic agents are:
- A plaster with a special solution that accelerates the death of plaque. Nail plates are treated with the liquid after the feet have evaporated. The patch is removed only after 4 days, after which the procedure is repeated again. The disadvantage of the patch is its relative effectiveness.
- A Chinese plant plot for the treatment of low cost fungal infections. The drug helps to quickly and painlessly remove the affected plaques. With advanced onychomycosis, it is recommended to use the patch together with systemic antifungal agents.
Solution of mushrooms
Among the inexpensive remedies for toenail fungus, the solutions occupy a special place, as this form of medicine is more capable of penetrating deep into the tissues. Some of these medicines are also used to treat shoes. Effective antifungal solutions include:
- Chloronitrophenol.The drug belongs to the group of arenas and contains undecylenic acid, which has an antiseptic effect and prevents the development of mycoses. The liquid is applied to the nail plates 2-3 times a day. The treatment is performed until the healthy nail grows back completely. The advantage of the drug is its effectiveness and excellent penetrating ability, the lack of drugs is the prohibition of use for the treatment of children under 2 years.
- A solution containing: boric acid, phenol, resorcinol, fuchsin base.One of the cheapest antifungal agents with an antiseptic and bactericidal effect, which is not always effective in treating nail plates, is its main disadvantage. The advantage of the drug is the minimal price.
Cheap ointment
Topical antifungal agents in the form of an oil or gel are among the best known in the treatment of early onychomycosis. Your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:
- Terbinafine.A free oil for nail fungus is made on the basis of allylamine, the active ingredient is terbinafine hydrochloride. The medication is used to treat fungus on the feet and arms in the initial stage of pathology development. Use the medicine after the steam bath every day. The advantages of the drug are that it is cheap, proven and effective in treating the early stage of onychomycosis. The disadvantage of the product is that it is not very convenient for them to use (in order not to accidentally wipe the oil, a gauze bandage is applied on the tip of the finger).
- Salicylic ointment.There are two ways to treat onychomycosis with this cheap universal remedy: treat your nails with oil several times a day, or put a layer on the affected plates and leave in the form of compress overnight. Plus salicylic oil in its availability, the disadvantage - it will be effective only in the initial stage of infection with a fungal infection.
Healing varnishes
This dosage form of the medication is good since after the solvent evaporates, the agent turns into a film, which is fixed to the affected plate. This property protects the nail for several days after using the varnish. Another advantage of such medicines is the ability to penetrate deep into the nail bed and there provide a fungicidal and fungistatic effect for 7-10 days.
Such funds can be combined with laser therapy procedures and treat the fungus both at an early stage of development and later. Cheap varnishes with antifungal action include: varnishes with active ingredient amorolfine.
Free anti-fungal serums and sprays
Conveniently suitable for treating onychomycosis with sprays and serums, which, in addition, are cheaper than varnishes. Such tools are used twice a day after pre-cleaning the affected tiles with disposable files that are attached to the preparations. These free medicines include:
- Nail serum which includes: water; rye enzyme filters; glycol pentylenes; dimethyl isosorbide and hydroxyethyl cellulose.This agent is used to cover the tissues affected by the fungus 2-3 times a day. Disposable nail files are included in the serum, allowing you to painlessly remove the top layer of nails. The advantage of the serum lies in its effectiveness, the disadvantage is that to completely cure an advanced fungus, it is necessary to combine the use of the serum with systemic medications.
- Terbinafine hydrochloride.The medicine is produced in the form of a spray, which treats nail plates 1-2 times a day, after you have evaporated and deposited them. The advantage of the drug is its freedom and effectiveness, the disadvantage is the risk of an allergic reaction.
A penny cure for nail fungus
Almost a third of people have fungal diseases of the feet and nails, which require complex treatment. However, many people try to cope with the problem on their own, assuming that when they turn to a specialist, they will be given a list of expensive drugs that they cannot afford. This view is wrong, as pharmacies also offer budget-effective antifungal drugs, for example:
- Cipermetrina.This is the cheapest remedy for toenail fungus and is often used to treat animals, but it is also excellent as an antifungal remedy. Plus, the solution is cheap, and the effectiveness of the fight against fungal infection. The downside is the risk of damage to the skin near the nails during tile processing.
- Fluconazole.The drug is very effective against many types of fungi. Tablets have a powerful systemic effect, so when you take them, it is extremely important to be careful about the dosage.
Analogues of expensive products
Inexpensive medicines contain the same active ingredient as expensive medicines, and in no way are they inferior in effectiveness to the latter. Such antifungal drugs are similar in their pharmacological therapeutic action, however, before replacing the drug with a more budget analogue, it is better to consult a doctor. Free antifungals include:
- Clotrimazole.Ointments and solutions are distinguished by a high degree of tissue penetration and provide a rapid healing effect.
- Itrokonazole.Capsules with antifungal ingredients have been proven to be excellent in treating various types of mycosis. Itroconazole effectively destroys spores, gradually accumulating in nail tissue. If dosing is observed, the agent rarely causes side effects.
- Terbinafine.Broad-spectrum tablets are effective against most onychomycosis pathogens. The disadvantage of medication is a large list of contraindications.
Antifungal drugs for pregnant women
Many antifungal medications are strictly forbidden to be used during pregnancy, as they can harm the baby. The therapy of onychomycosis during this period is complicated by the fact that antifungal drugs have many side effects. With a slight severity of the pathology, doctors limit themselves to local treatment, prescribing the following medications for a woman:
- Cream containing: stearic acid, propylene glycol, urea, triethanolamine, 100% tea tree essential oil. . . Before using the product, the feet are steamed in soda water. Once the tiles are cleaned with a disposable nail file, cover with a layer of cream and cover with a plaster for 4 days. After that, you can easily remove the dead nail tissue. The procedure is performed until the fungal infection is completely eliminated.
- Bifonazole.The cream is rubbed into the area affected by the fungus. It is recommended to use Bifonazole several times a day, while the duration of therapy is at least 12 weeks.
- Grapefruit seed extract.The remedy is available in the form of drops that are applied to the affected nails after they evaporate and fill the top layer. Onychomycosis therapy in pregnant women lasts about 16 weeks.
Choosing the right medication should be entrusted to a specialist, as with self-medication you are likely to lose money and time in vain. In addition, pathogenic spores can develop immunity to certain medications, after which it will be much harder to cope with the fungus. Once your doctor prescribes medicines, you can buy them at the pharmacy or buy them at the online store by ordering directly.